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MWA Elite AAU Club

2024-25 MWA Elite-(LOCAL) Tryout Schedule & Season Outline

The MWA Elite AAU Basketball Club is designed to expose new players/families to AAU basketball, build competitive teams from season to season, have roster continuity and offer the opportunity for players to move up to a State or National year team within the MWA Elite club structure. We offer team opportunities for boy’s 1st-12th grades and girls 5th -12th grades.

The 2024-25 MWA Elite-Local AAU season is made up 5 Individual seasons: -Fall-I, Fall-II, Winter- I & II, Spring and Summer. Each season will last anywhere from 7 to 11 weeks. 

Each season will coincide with the 17th Annual AAU Detroit Leagues. The D-Leagues provide mid-to upper-level AAU competition, weekly games and appropriate age brackets. Learn more at

Local teams practice twice a week at Basketball City, play a 10-game season and have a paid qualified coach. Players can opt in and out of the Local Team program during the AAU calendar year. We take every precaution to keep rosters together from season to season. This is great way to have a greater chance of success on the AAU circuit.

Tryout Registration, Dates & Information:

  • Returning Players: Tryouts are optional for “Returning Players”, but the following must be completed to secure your roster spot:
  • Please send an email to or send a text to 313-580-0351 with your name, previous season, coach and what season you would like to play next.
  • Tryout Cost & Location: $25 fee covers all scheduled tryout dates September 1st to August 31st. Basketball City-16400 Eastland Dr., Roseville, MI 48066

2024 Winter/Spring/Summer AAU Tryouts-Local Teams | Boy’s 5th-12th grades & Girl’s 7th-12th

WINTER-II BOYS & GIRLS | Local tryouts -Grades 3rd-8th   

Winter-II Tryouts: Please arrive at least 20 minutes early to get checked in and ready to play. The $25 fee covers all the scheduled tryout dates below. Register for tryouts at 

MWA Elite-Boys Winter-II Local Tryouts -Grades 3rd-8th   

Tryout times  

Saturday, Feb.15th & 22nd  

All Grades 


MWA Elite-Girls Winter-II Local Tryouts -Grades 5th-8th   

Tryout times  

Saturday, Feb. 15th & 22nd  

All Grades  


Season: February 24th to March 23rd | Cost: $300 | Questions: Text 313-580-0351

SPRING BOYS & GIRLS | Local tryouts -Grades 3rd-12th   

Spring Tryouts: Please arrive at least 20 minutes early to get checked in and ready to play. The $25 fee covers all the scheduled tryout dates below. Register for tryouts at  

MWA Elite-Boys Spring Local Tryouts -Grades 5th-12th  

Tryout times  

Saturday, March 15th & 22nd  

5th-8th Grades 


Tryout times  

Saturday, March 15th & 22nd  

High School 



MWA Elite-Girls Spring Local Tryouts -Grades 7th-12th  

Tryout times  

Saturday, March 15th & 22nd  

All Grades  


Season: March 24th to June 1st | Cost: $350 | Questions: Text 313-580-0351

SUMMER BOYS & GIRLS | Local tryouts -Grades 3rd-12th   

Summer Tryouts: Please arrive at least 20 minutes early to get checked in and ready to play. The $25 fee covers all the scheduled tryout dates below. Register for tryouts at  

MWA Elite-Boys Summer Local Tryouts -Grades 5th-12th  

Tryout times  

Saturday, May 31st & June 7th 

5th-8th Grades 


Tryout times  

Saturday, May 31st & June 7th 

High School 



MWA Elite-Girls Summer Local Tryouts -Grades 7th-12th  

Tryout times  

Saturday, May 31st & June 7th 

All Grades  


Season: June 16th to July 29th | Cost: $300 | Questions: Text 313-580-0351



2024 Fall-I Season: The Fall-I Season will offer opportunities for Local level teams. The season is an excellent way to prepare for the up-coming school ball season. Current and returning players in the program, must attend tryouts to be selected for the Spring Season. The teams will play in the Fall-I AAU D-league sessions on Sundays and practice 1-2 times a week. Fall-I season cost is $300 per player.

Fall-I Tryouts: Please arrive at least 20 minutes early to get checked in and ready to play. The $25 fee covers all of the scheduled tryout dates below. Register for tryouts at

MWA Elite-Boys Fall-I Local Tryouts -Grades 5th-12th

Tryout times

Saturday, September 7



Tryout times

Saturday, September 7

High School


Tryout times

Saturday, September 14



Tryout times

Saturday, September 14

High School



MWA Elite-Girls Fall-I Local Tryouts -Grades 7th-12th

Tryout times

Saturday, September 7

All Grades 


Tryout times

Saturday, September 14

All Grades 



Players should attend as many tryouts as possible, but there is not a mandatory number to attend to be selected. The location of tryouts will be at Basketball City-16400 Eastland Dr., Roseville, MI 48066

Rosters: Official 2024 Fall-I rosters will be released on Sunday, September 15th and the season will begin the same week, at your first scheduled practice.  Register for Tryouts

Please arrive at least 20 minutes early to get checked in and ready to play. The $25 fee covers all of the scheduled tryout dates below. Register for tryouts at Register for Tryouts

Players should attend as many tryouts as possible, but there is not a mandatory number to attend to be selected. The location of tryouts will be at Basketball City-16400 Eastland Dr., Roseville, MI 48066

Questions: Please send a text to 586-298-7727

2024 Fall-II AAU Tryouts-Local Teams | Boy’s 3rd-8th grades & Girl’s 5th-8th

2024 Fall-II Season: The Fall-II Season will offer opportunities for Local level teams. The season is an excellent way to prepare for the up-coming school ball season. Current and returning players in the program, must attend tryouts to be selected for the Spring Season. The teams will play in the Fall-II AAU D-league sessions on Sundays and practice 1-2 times a week. Fall-I season cost is $300 per player.

Fall-II Tryouts: Please arrive at least 20 minutes early to get checked in and ready to play. The $25 fee covers all of the scheduled tryout dates below. Register for tryouts at

MWA Elite-Boys Fall-II Local Tryouts -Grades 3rd-8th  


Sat., Nov. 2nd & 9th  

All Grades


MWA Elite-Girls Fall-II Local Tryouts -Grades 5th-8th


Sat., Nov. 2nd & 9th  

All Grades 



Season: Nov.10th to Dec.15th | Cost: $300 | Questions: Text 586-298-7727

Players should attend as many tryouts as possible, but there is not a mandatory number to attend to be selected. The location of tryouts will be at Basketball City-16400 Eastland Dr., Roseville, MI 48066

Rosters: Official 2024 Fall-II rosters will be released on Sunday, September 15th and the season will begin the same week, at your first scheduled practice.  Register for Tryouts

Please arrive at least 20 minutes early to get checked in and ready to play. The $25 fee covers all of the scheduled tryout dates below. Register for tryouts at Register for Tryouts

Players should attend as many tryouts as possible, but there is not a mandatory number to attend to be selected. The location of tryouts will be at Basketball City-16400 Eastland Dr., Roseville, MI 48066

Questions: Please send a text to 586-298-7727

Refund Policy

Refunds & Credits

A player/family must pay their perspective season fee for Local, State or National to reserve a roster spot on a team at MWA Elite Basketball Club. Once a player/family has paid their season fee and reserved their roster spot on a team, there will be a 14-day period that a player could decline the roster spot and receive a full refund. After the seventh day, the player/family has agreed to and accepted the roster spot for the season, the season payment is NON-REFUNDABLE.

If any payments are late or in default, the player will not be allowed to attend any practices or tournaments until payments are up to date.  The player/family will be held liable for any costs associated with the collection of unpaid fees.

If a player is unable to participate during the season due to injury, illness, or relocation, the player/family is still responsible to pay their full season tuition.  

If a player decides to end her participation with MWA Elite at any point in the season, the player/family is still responsible to pay their full season tuition. The deposit and additional tuition are NON-REFUNDABLE.

Any decision to offer a credit towards MWA Elite training, new season opportunities to players who suffer a season ending injury or medical condition is at the sole discretion of MWA Elite.

Coaching Contact Info

7th/8th-Rice Girls Cierra Rice 586-859-8559
7th/8th-Sayles Girls Will Sayles 313-551-9981
16U Ford Girls Jalen Ford 313-643-8823
5th/6th-Troy Boys Troy Danter 248-808-0874
7th/8th-Sayles Boys Will Sayles 313-551-9981
16U-Brown Boys Qortez Brown 313-740-5465
15U-State Boys Heath Bolden 248-825-6783
17U-State Boys Heath Bolden 248-825-6783